When using Yup to construct a schema to do a conditonal validation( either all fields are empty or all of them have values), it throws error: cyclic dependency within a schema. Check Explaination here
To get rid of the error, need to add dependecy so that yup won’t complain
export const getSchema = (a, b, c, d) => {
return Yup.object().shape(
[a]: Yup.number().when([b, c, d], {
is: (b, c, d) => b || c || d,
then: Yup.number().nullable().required('Data not entered'),
otherwise: Yup.number().nullable().notRequired()
[b]: Yup.number().when([a, c, d], {
is: (a, c, d) => a || c || d,
then: Yup.number().nullable().required('Data not entered'),
otherwise: Yup.number().nullable().notRequired()
[c]: Yup.number().when([a, b, d], {
is: (a, b, d) => a || b || d,
then: Yup.number().nullable().required('Data not entered'),
otherwise: Yup.number().nullable().notRequired()
[d]: Yup.number().when([a, b, c], {
is: (a, b, c) => a || c || b,
then: Yup.number().nullable().required('Data not entered'),
otherwise: Yup.number().nullable().notRequired()
[a, b],
[a, c],
[a, d],
[b, a],
[b, c],
[b, d],
[c, a],
[c, b],
[c, d],
[d, a],
[d, b],
[d, c]