Jiali's blog

Life is one time offer, use it well

Understanding WebRTC

A study notes on the Google WebRTC doc and MDN

In this article, I will explore WebRTC and its important concepts What is WebRTC WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a technology that enables applications to have video, voice and message co...

Run Github pages locally

Using Jekyll, on Windows

Run Github pages locally using Jekyll The Github pages doc have a detailed instructions on how to create a GitHub Pages site with Jekyll. However, I encounter problems when testing the site locall...

Build a CI/CD Pipeline on AWS CodePipeline

For a React App

Build a CI/CD Pipeline for a React App | AWS CodePipeline Add in AWS Codepipeline Create a buildspec.yml file. For yml information, you can view doc here # a typical format for React version: 0....

Introduction to React custom hooks

A brief guide

Introduction to React custom hooks In this article, we will introduce what are React custom hooks, how to build and use custom hooks, and when to use them. What is a custom hook? Since React 16....

EsLint in VScode

With Prettier

EsLint and Prettier in VScode Initialize a project from scrach Run npm init -y to initialize the project Run npm install eslint --save-dev to install ESLint locally in dev dependencies Run npm in...

Axios Mocking with React

Using axios-mock-adapter

Axios Mocking with React During development, there are cases that we don’t want to call the real API, but also to be able to easily test special cases. Therefore, mock axios call is an option. I r...

Sass quick note

Sass cheatsheet

Sass quick note Sass is a powerful preprocessor, which is a CSS extension language. It has features like nesting, mixins, inheritance, etc. It makes maintain style easier. Variable Use $variable...

Build a free blog with gitHub pages

A very simple way

Build a free blog with gitHub pages After setting up my own portfolio, I always think of having a GitHub blog. However, I didn’t know how until I happen to read this blog. It tells you how to set ...